Tariffs The tariffs have caused a significant increase in market volatility.   Based on our research of the Smoot Hawley Tariff and President Bush’s 2002 steel tariff the market will be much lower by the middle of 2019. Most Recent Article Waning Consumer confidence and weakening global economic data does not bode well for 2019 Key articles: Tariffs caused Crash of 1929 and will cause next Market Crash, October 23, 2018 TRADE WAR Seals Bull’s Fate, June 1, 2018 China’s Tariffs on US Products is 10th Nail in Secular Bull’s Coffin. April 5, 2018 Products applicable: 90/10 Crash Protection Strategy Commentary by BullsNBears Director of Research about historical impact of tariffs Interview of Michael Markowski about tariff’s negative impact on stock market.